
To be honest, I am kind of tired of copy-pasting my “official bio.” So I’m penning a sincere one for folks curious to know more. (The other bios are below, in case that’s what you were looking for.)


Sincere bio:

Iván Brave lives in his hometown of Houston, Texas, with his wife and son. His vision is to see the next generation of Houstonians create, read more, and thrive. Humor, love, and the humanities are the themes closest to his heart.


He is the recipient of countless (jk: countable) fellowships, scholarships, and prizes. His texts appear in numerous (literally: numerous) publications. See his Publications page for Publications. His Portfolio page for his curriculum vitae. And visit any of the social media links at the top or bottom of the page to connect.


While you are here, explore the website, leave a comment on your favorite post, and then another on your least favorite post. Feel free to reach out directly, “professionally,” through the contact page or at info [at] ivanbrave [dot] com.


<Key to the lock drawer? Read the first post.>


Español cortito:

Iván Brave (Estados Unidos, 1991) es narrador, poeta e investigator. Su obra incluye: The Summer Abroad (2018), They Lived They Were (2020), y varios ensayos, poemas y traducciones publicados impreso y en línea. Su último proyecto, Awake & Asleep, ha ganado una beca de la Ciudad de Houston, para finalizar y presentar el manuscrito (2023).


English short and sweet:

Iván Brave lives in his hometown of Houston, Texas. He has published two novels, as well as poetry, essays, and translation online and in print journals. His latest novel, Awake & Asleep, garnered him a generous artist grant from the Houston Arts Alliance (2023). Learn more at www.ivanbrave.com.


Español largo:

Iván Brave (Estados Unidos, 1991) es autor, poeta y traductor. Vive en su ciudad natal de Houston, Texas. Ha recibido premios del Museo de Bellas Artes en Houston (2015), el Centro Vera List en Nueva York (2017) y la Fundación Corda en Santiago de Chile (2022). También fue nominado para un Premio Pushcart, el PEN Dau Emerging Writers y los New Millennium Writing Awards (2021). Brave obtuvo su doctorado en Español de la Universidad de Houston, y tiene una MFA en Escritura Creativa de The New School en Nueva York y una licenciatura en Filosofía de la Universidad de Texas en Austin. Trabajó como investigador y editor para Arte Público Press, ayudando a traer manuscritos contemporáneos al español para el público bilingúe en los Estados Unidos. Ha publicado dos novelas, The Summer Abroad (2018) y They Lived They Were (2020), y trabajos impresos en las revistas Tilted House, Latino Book Review, así como trabajos en línea en Asymptote, Suburbano y otras revistas. Por su última novela, Awake & Asleep, la Ciudad de Houston a través de Houston Arts Alliance le otorgó una beca generosa, para completar y exhibir el manuscrito durante el verano (2023). Visite su blog para más información: www.ivanbrave.com/.


English long:

Iván Brave is an author, editor, and translator who lives in his hometown of Houston, Texas. He has received awards from the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston (2015), the Vera List Center in New York (2017), and the Corda Foundation in Santiago de Chile (2022). He was also nominated for a Pushcart Award, the PEN Dau Emerging Writers, and the international New Millennium Writing Awards (2021). Brave has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from The University of Texas at Austin, an MFA in Creative Writing from The New School in New York, and a doctorate in Spanish Creative Writing from the University of Houston. There he worked as Assistant Editor and Research Fellow for Arte Público Press, editing manuscripts, translating essays, and promoting US-Latino texts through the Recovery Program. He has two novels published, The Summer Abroad (2018) and They Lived They Were (2020), and work printed in Tilted House, Latino Book Review, as well as work online in Asymptote, Suburbano, and other journals. His latest novel, Awake & Asleep, garnered him a generous artist grant from the City of Houston (2023) and was adapted for the stage. Learn more at www.ivanbrave.com/.