Commune Exercise Day 5: Perfect Your Practice

Take 2 minutes to describe your “daily ideal” for writing. Relevant to your life, particular to you.


Manias: quiet or music, closed space, uninterrupted. Long stretch of time or at least two hours (minimum 1 hr). Completely for myself first drafts, with reading option. Email sharing not until full draft complete. Daily. Honest. With open mind, heart, letting the influences find their seat in the room. Always a happy stomach and relaxed eyes. Drama, if any, goes on the page. No distractions, no excuses.


Soon: my own office, full of trinkets, knick knacks and dust. A photo of Borges looking up at the sky. Pens and markets close at hand. Paper (scratch or new) also at hand. And a printer.


Realistically, writing sits at the top of the pyramid of my life, composed of these: 9:30 lights out; 5:30 alarm; cardio or strength exercise plus shower 1 hr; BF and dressing 30 mins; private tutor 1 hr; drive 1 hr; tutor 9:00-4:00; drive back 1 hr; nap, dirty 30; write 1 hr on project; dinner 2 hrs with <3; 30 mins reading; lights out 9:30.


All flexible timing, including driving, goes to other flexible timing, such as writing and reading.



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